To find objects that have been marked with a specific category, you can browse the categories. You will be presented with all email messages, appointments, contacts and tasks that have been marked with the same category. The following options are available:
browse categories while displaying an object
browse categories by opening the category browser
If you open the categories browser while the AI chat side bar is open, AI chat will be overlaid with the categories browser.
You can toogle between the two open side bars by clicking the icon to the left of the side bar’s title.
How to browse categories while displaying an object:
Select an object to which a category has been assigned. The following options are available:
If having selected an email, an appointment in the list view, a contact or a task, click on a category in the detail view.
If having selected an appointment in a calendar view, click on a category in the pop-up.
The Browse categories side bar will be displayed. In the side bar, all objects are displayed to which the category selected has been assigned. Per app, a maximum of five objects will be displayed.
Use the following functions:
To show the details of an object in the pop-up, click on the object in the side bar.
To edit the object, use the functions in the pop-up.
If more than five objects per app will be found, the
button will be displayed below the objects.To display all objects that have been found for an app, click on
. The objects will be displayed in the respective app as a search result.How to browse categories by opening the category browser:
Click the
icon in the menu bar. Click on .The Browse categories side bar will be displayed. It will not contain any objects as no category has been selected.
To display the objects of a specific category, select at least one category in
. You can also select one of the previously used categories.In the side bar, all objects are displayed to which the selected category has been assigned. Per app, a maximum of five objects will be displayed.
Use the following functions:
To show the details of an object in the pop-up, click on the object in the side bar.
To edit the object, use the functions in the pop-up.
If more than five objects per app will be found, the
button will be displayed below the objects.To display all objects that have been found for an app, click on
. The objects will be displayed in the respective app as a search result.Related topics:
Organising email messages with categories
Organising appointments with categories
Parent topic: Data Organisation & Shares